Terrorists kill six traders in Katsina

Terrorists kill six traders in Katsina

Terrorists kill six traders in Katsina

Bandits have killed six traders in Danmusa Local Government Area of Katsina State.


The incident occurred on Friday morning, January 5, 2024, when their convoy of vehicles ran into bandits. 


According to a Punch report, the traders were travelling from Maidabino village to participate in a weekly market located at Yantumaki. 


The two villages are within Danmusa Local Government Area.


Residents revealed that the traders always travel in convoys because of the security situation in the council.


It was further learnt that the convoy of vehicles carrying the traders ran into the bandits shortly before Yantumaki.


Residents added that the bandits suddenly appeared from a forest and started firing at the vehicles.


“It was early in the morning and the traders were close to Yantumaki when the bandits appeared from a forest and occupied the highway,” one of the residents said. 


“The bandits were just shooting at the convoy of the vehicles. By the time, the security operatives including the troops and the police moved to the scene, six traders had been killed


We are yet to know whether the bandits abducted any of the traders.”


Spokesperson of the State Police Command, ASP Abubakar Aliyu, confirmed the incident, adding that he was yet to get details. 


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