The historical journey of Christmas, and how it became celebrated as Christ's birthday

The historical journey of Christmas, and how it became celebrated as Christ's birthday

However, beyond what it’s come to be known as, this highly anticipated day has a rich history that stretches back centuries.

Long before Christmas became associated with Christ’s birth, various cultures celebrated festivals around the winter solstice. The Norse had Yule, and many other societies marked this time with feasts and merriment, symbolising the triumph of light over darkness.

The earliest roots of Christmas can be traced back to ancient Rome, where pagan festivals like Saturnalia and the Kalends of January celebrated the winter solstice and the new year with feasting, revelry, and gift-giving.

As Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, these pagan traditions gradually blended with the celebration of Jesus’ birth, which was initially observed on various dates throughout the year.

The exact date of Jesus Christ’s birth is not specified in the Bible. The choice of December 25th for Christmas dates back to the 4th century when Pope Julius I selected it to coincide with existing pagan celebrations.

This strategic decision aimed to integrate Christian beliefs with popular festivities, making the conversion more acceptable. Also, December 25th symbolised the symbolic rebirth of the sun after the winter solstice, aligning with the Christian concept of Jesus as the light of the world.

During the Middle Ages, Christmas evolved into a primarily religious holiday focused on prayer, fasting, and attending church services. St. Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the first nativity scene in 1223, using live animals to depict the birth of Jesus.

This practice gained popularity, particularly in the form of Christmas carols, which became popular ways to share the story of Jesus’ birth, reinforcing the emphasis on Christ’s humble beginnings.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Protestant Reformation brought changes to the celebration of Christmas, and a questioning of religious authority. This led to a shift in the focus of Christmas from strict religious observance to a more secular celebration of family, festivity, and goodwill. Gift-giving became increasingly popular, and traditions like Christmas trees and Yule logs emerged during this time.

The Victorian era had a rejuvenation of Christmas traditions, influenced by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert‘s celebration of the holiday. The Christmas tree, inspired by German customs, became a popular centrepiece for festive decorations.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Christmas underwent further transformation with the rise of commercialism. The image of Santa Claus, rooted in the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, became intertwined with gift-giving traditions, creating the modern, globally recognised figure.

Over time, Christmas has evolved into a time of togetherness, kindness, and generosity. The focus on family, cheer, and the spirit of giving have become integral parts of the celebration. For Nigerians, Christmas is a day of relaxation, fun and of course, feasting on the famous Christmas rice and chicken.

As we celebrate Christmas today, let’s remember the reason for the season and the rich history that brought us here.

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