Special Counsel Jack Smith and former President Donald Trump

Trump Own People Say He’s Been Told By DOJ That He Is A Target And Likely To Be Indicted

According to Trump’s representative to the National Archives, the DOJ has told the former president that he is a target and likely to be indicted.

John Solomon is one of Trump’s official representatives to the National Archives, and he tweeted:


Solomon is a notorious propagandist for Trump, so it would be wise to ignore any claims of prosecutorial misconduct.  Solomon has nothing to gain by stating that the DOJ has told Trump that he is a target and likely to be indicted. Given that Trump’s lawyers just met with Jack Smith, it makes sense that an indictment of the former president is coming soon.

Prosecutors don’t meet with targets to tell them that they aren’t going to be indicted.

John Solomon seems to be trying to get out in front of the story for Trump by planting the seeds for a claim of prosecutorial misconduct.


It has been clear for days that a federal criminal indictment is likely coming for Trump. The real question is how many and what sort of charges is Trump going to face?

When Donald Trump’s own people are saying that the DOJ has told Trump that he is a target and likely to be indicted, that takes the story to a different level.

It looks like Trump is going down, and even his own people aren’t denying it.


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