We asked 7 Nigerian men if they would ever consider getting a vasectomy

We asked 7 Nigerian men if they would ever consider getting a vasectomy

World Contraception Day is globally observed to raise awareness about family planning choices.

We find ourselves in a world where conversations about contraception are mostly centred around women. But, isn’t it time we included men in this important dialogue?

Today, we bring you the answers of seven men who have shared their thoughts on vasectomy, a permanent form of contraception that’s often overlooked. The aim of this is to educate the general public that contraception isn’t solely a woman’s responsibility, men can carry the weight too.

So, to break down stereotypes and engage in open, empathetic discussions, we asked these men a simple question: “Would you consider getting a vasectomy?” Their answers only emphasise the importance of including men in the contraceptive conversation.

Here’s what they said:


I see vasectomy as a good birth control option for couples who’ve decided they’ve had enough kids. It’s a safer alternative than relying solely on women using contraceptives, given potential health issues.


I think vasectomy is a great choice for those who are sure they’re done having kids. It’s an option I don’t mind considering, although I have confidence in my pull-out method. I do wish there was more education about it.


I’d consider vasectomy after we’re done having kids to avoid future complications.


Personally, vasectomy isn’t my thing. There are alternative methods to prevent pregnancy, so it’s not necessary.


Vasectomy isn’t something I can go for. It’ll make me feel impotent, even though I’d still have an erection.


I have my concerns about vasectomy due to limited research and potential complications. Maybe after having more children, I’d consider it.


I prefer using condoms, and I haven’t researched vasectomy enough to say if it’s safe. I might confirm that first and if my wife agrees, I might think to consider it in the future.

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