We know why you are not losing weight

We know why you are not losing weight

However, there are a bunch of risks that can arise as a result of obesity, so losing a few pounds could improve your health.

You reduce your chances of having diseases like arthritis, joint damage, and inflammation by losing weight.

Now that you know that, below are some reasons you’re not losing weight.

1. Can genetics influence your fitness?

The simple answer is yes; it is very possible that you inherited a slow metabolism rate from your parents or grandparents. Unfortunately, this kind of inheritance cannot be controlled, and with a slower metabolism, you’ll have to work twice as hard as those with faster metabolism to lose weight.

2. Do you start your day with breakfast?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so if you keep skipping it, you’re doing yourself no good.

You may think skipping breakfast helps you lose weight, but you’ll be hungrier and eat more for lunch.

In addition, studies show that skipping breakfast has been associated with obesity. So instead, eat breakfast within an hour of waking up and eat foods rich in fiber and protein to carry you until lunch.

Fruits also assist with effective weight loss, so be sure to take a bunch of them.

3. Does gender affect weight loss?

Research has shown that it is easier for men to lose weight than women. But, when women lose weight, they keep it off longer than men.

Men lose weight in the abdominal area, but the hips and stomach are the most difficult areas to lose weight for women.

If a woman wants to lose weight on her stomach, waist trainers and binding corsets help.

Regular exercise also goes a long way in shedding those extra pounds.

4. Do you eat before going to bed?

If you love taking snacks before you go to bed, then that is the reason you are not getting fit.

If you eat before bedtime, you make it extremely difficult to burn fat. It would be best if you ate dinner two to three hours before lying down to sleep.

Anything less would raise your blood sugar and temperature.

5. Does stress affect fitness?

When people are stressed, they rely on junk food to get by, like ice cream and the likes. Junk food causes massive weight gain.

Instead of stress eating, you can meditate or exercise to deal with your stress.

Oluwatimilehin Ademosu is a passionate content writer and copywriter.

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