Wearing socks to bed: 5 reasons to start doing it

Wearing socks to bed: 5 reasons to start doing it

But what about your feet? Do you sleep in socks or are you one of those people that thinks it’s insane, uncomfortable and just plain wrong to wear socks in bed?

Well, your preferences are valid, but we’re here to tell you that there are actually quite a few reasons for sleeping in socks. Keep on reading to find out why it’s a good idea and why you should probably start doing it, or at least give it a try.

Below are 5 reasons you should start wearing socks to bed:

  • You will fall asleep faster

If you struggle with falling asleep this might be a pretty good solution for you. Keeping your feet warm by putting on socks will make you fall asleep faster. A study conducted in 2007 compared the amount of time it took people to fall asleep with socks on and without. Those who had socks on fell asleep much faster than the others.

Some people wake up in the middle of the night because of hot flashes, others have cold sweats in the early morning hours. Turns out you can prevent that by just wearing socks to bed. It’s also particularly beneficial to those who often have cold feet. The socks will warm your feet, which will dilate your blood vessels, helping your blood circulate efficiently and therefore regulate your body temperature better.

  • You’ll be more satisfied in bed

There have been studies made that compared couples who wear socks to bed with those who don’t. Apparently, couples who have made love with their socks achieve satisfaction in 75% of cases, while those who don’t wear socks achieve satisfaction only half of the time. So you know, if you want to improve your love life perhaps try doing it with socks on?

  • You’ll get smoother feet

Cracked heels are not cute, we can all agree with that. Plus it’s just really uncomfortable to have dry heels, the sensation of them catching on the sheets is just the worst. But while pedicures are a great option to deal with that you can also address that problem by putting on a bunch of moisturiser on your feet and wearing socks to bed. Try it, you’ll wake up with lovely feet that are much smoother and softer than they were the day before.

  • You won’t get a Raynaud’s attack

Have you ever woken up with a weird throbbing sensation in your toes or feet? Raynaud’s attack is connected to Raynaud’s disease. What happens is you lose circulation in certain aerials, a lot of the time its fingers and toes, and that causes them to swell and throb. But putting socks on will make sure your blood vessels are dilated and your circulation is therefore improved.

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