What happens to your body when you fast for 36 hours?

What happens to your body when you fast for 36 hours?

This fasting regimen is known to have various effects on your body, both positive and potentially challenging.

In this article, we will explore seven things your body experiences during a 36-hour fast, shedding light on the impact it can have on your overall health.

When you embark on a 36-hour fast, your body enters a state of ketosis. Ketosis occurs when your body starts using stored fat for energy instead of glucose. During this process, insulin sensitivity improves. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or those looking to regulate blood sugar levels.

Fasting for 36 hours can lead to significant calorie deficit, which, over time, can result in weight loss. During the fast, your body burns fat for energy, aiding in shedding excess pounds. However, it’s essential to follow a balanced diet when you break your fast to maintain a healthy weight.

Autophagy is your body’s natural cleaning process, where damaged cells and components are removed and recycled. Extended fasting, like the 36-hour fast, stimulates autophagy, potentially reducing the risk of certain diseases and promoting cellular repair.

Surprisingly, fasting can lead to increased mental clarity and focus. As your body adapts to using ketones for fuel, many people report improved cognitive function during fasting periods.

Inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases. Fasting has been shown to reduce markers of inflammation in the body, which can lower the risk of conditions like heart disease and arthritis.

During the first 24 hours of a 36-hour fast, you may experience energy fluctuations. This is because your body is transitioning from using glucose to ketones for fuel. Some people feel energised, while others may feel fatigued. It’s essential to listen to your body and rest when needed.

As you approach the end of your 36-hour fast, your hunger hormones, like ghrelin, may surge. This can make it challenging to resist overeating when you break your fast. To prevent overindulgence, consider breaking your fast with a balanced meal that includes protein, healthy fats, and fibre-rich foods.

The 36-hour fast is a powerful tool that can positively impact your health. However, it’s essential to approach fasting with caution, especially if you’re new to this practice. Ensure you are hydrated throughout the period by drinking enough water.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on an extended fast to ensure it’s safe for your individual health needs. Remember that fasting is not suitable for everyone, and it’s crucial to prioritise your well-being above all else.

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