Winter is Coming: Surviving Harmattan 101

Winter is Coming: Surviving Harmattan 101

Some people may not experience the severity of the weather due to the overcrowding in states like Lagos, but people in other states like Plateau and Kebbi may experience extreme weather.

Thus, to survive harmattan this year, you need this basic starter pack:

1. Wear protective clothing

Please stay warm during the harmattan season. Wearing clothing that would keep you warm doesn’t have to be boring; you can be fashionable with your apparel and still stay warm. It is a win-win situation.

Like we say in Nigeria, ‘Cream your body!!!’

Do not go around with dry and flaky skin. Make Vaseline or any other petroleum jelly your best friend this season.

Get a lip balm, lip gloss, or chapstick and apply it to your lips to prevent chapped lips.

Guys, owning a chapstick or lip balm doesn’t make you gay; if anything, it shows you are concerned about your health.

Imagine asking you to wear nose masks, say about two years ago; it would have sounded so weird. But nose masks have now become our new normal, and I guess it is a good thing.

Apart from the fact that nose masks protect your mouth and nose from the apparent (COVID-19), nose masks also protect the mouth and nose from dusty air and particles, which are vehicles that aid cold and catarrh.

Drink a lot of water in this season. Stay hydrated at all times because your body needs a lot of fluid intake at this time.

Not juice, not soda, but natural fruits. Regular intake of fruits will help build your immune system to fight the ‘cold virus again.’

Use these tips, and you are on your way to having a beautiful harmattan festive season.

Oluwatumininu Dunmade is a witty writer who loves to engage her readers.

Pulse Contributors is an initiative to highlight diverse journalistic voices. Pulse Contributors do not represent the company Pulse and contribute on their own behalf.

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