You can love your woman the right way by doing these 5 things

You can love your woman the right way by doing these 5 things

I’m not dismissing the fact you should not try and understand your woman — it’s obviously key in trying to show interest and concern in her affairs and to have a listening ear — but don’t tag the female gender as too complicated because you feel they’re too complex.

Food for thought; how can you understand a woman God created while you were asleep?

Women have this saying if he really wants to, he would. There are four primary languages, acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation and gift-giving.

Let her know that your world revolves around her, give her the love and devotion she deserves — after all, women are the prize.

Hearing may encompass the mere reception of sound, the surface-level of words spoken, but listening delves deeper and involves an active and empathetic engagement with her thoughts, feelings, and needs.

To love a woman authentically, one must go beyond hearing her words to really understand her feelings, thoughts, and needs — put yourself in her shoes and do things without her having to ask. This means paying close attention, caring about what she’s going through, and being thoughtful in how you respond.

In this 21st century, you are still texting her a long paragraph every day of how you love her and would take her around the world and do anything for her when boyfriend number two asks her for her account number and tells her, “Babe let me clear your Shein cart”.

Gentleman, you sef aren’t you tired of talking? Instead of that long good morning message about how you love her and there is no one else apart from her, the best thing you can do for yourself if you want to keep her is to tell her to send her aza, surprise her on dates, and engage in meaningful conversations with her. She wants to be pampered.

Becoming her best friend involves building a deep, trusting, and lasting connection. It starts with genuine interest and active listening. Show empathy, be supportive, and be there during both good times and bad.

Consistency is key; maintain regular contact and make an effort to spend quality time together. If you say you’ll be there for her, be there. Nothing sweeter than an intentional and consistent man.

If you know you are not capable or ready to be the man she desires, cater to her needs or understand the tricks to making her happy don’t stress yourself and join the bandwagon of men who say women are complicated.

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