7 women tell us all about the unique joy of having female friends

7 women tell us all about the unique joy of having female friends

In honour of this special day, we reached out to a couple of women who had a lot to say about the special ladies in their lives.

Here’s what they have to say:

I’ve had a best friend for over 8 years. We’ve had our best and off years, but we always find a way to each other. She got me an iPhone at the beginning of this year, and that was a great shock. I cried. She’s been a support system and the anchor that pulls me out of situations that I’m not able to assess rationally, like abusive relationships. Basically knowing you have a person who’d love you, and be there for you regardless of what happens is a great addition and a necessity in this life.

My favourite part of having female friends is our shared experiences. I don’t have to explain so much because they are going through the same things. I love how I can talk about my feelings, my body changes, my love life, and my career without feeling judged or having to prove myself. My girls just get me.

Female friendships are very important. I’ve had my friends since childhood, and I won’t trade them for anything. My female friends are like my sister; they have been with me through thick and thin. Constantly supporting me and even scolding me when they need to for me to have sense. At every milestone in my life, I have had my female friends cheering me on and even sending opportunities my way. There is no jealousy because we all want to see each other at the top and brag that That’s my friend. Even down to networking, they are solid. They bring a certain perspective to life, especially with how they analyse things and make you view issues in a different light, and help you realise that it’s not that deep. Emotional support is one big area where we are always there for each other. They are like my better half at this point; even when we don’t speak for a while, linking up and catching up on things is not hard. There is no judgment, but rather, you have peace, and you’re sure they’ve got your back.

The joy that comes from my girls is incredible. They are a safe space for my witty side, my never-ending emotions, and a restorer of sense when I’m about to lose it. There’s comfort in their love. I can always count on them. Always.

I have been blessed with good female friendships, and as a result, I usually find it weird when women say that they hardly have women as friends. I find it odd because there is something unique about female friendships. Women are nurturing, and understanding. There are distinctive things that we deal with as women like hormonal changes that affect everything from our mood to our reactions. So, I believe that having good, solid female friendships helps to balance that out, and gives meaning to what we go through as women. I have been blessed with really good ones, who have been with me through the highs and lows. They are kind and emphatic.

The fact that you have someone to share some of the things you are going through is one of the beautiful parts of female friendships; there is that shared pain, joy, and perspective. So you see things from the same point of view, especially if you have the same beliefs. Having all of that makes it easier, as opposed to having male friends who can’t understand certain things. With your girls, they get it, for instance, they understand why you like words of affirmation or hugs. They just get it. Also, the way your girlfriends are there for you is way different; for instance, your girlfriend gets it when you are going through a heartbreak.

Having a girlfriend is like having an extra sister. She knows everything about me and what’s best for me. She is never jealous of my success. She is my gossip partner and drink buddy. She supports me in working toward personal improvement and always has my back. I am lucky to have her in my corner.

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