Christianity is probably the most disrespected faith because of Christians - Actress, Zainab Balogun says

Christianity is probably the most disrespected faith because of Christians – Actress, Zainab Balogun says

With this long spew of nonsense you just typed, yet you failed to even read what the pope said. Your case is pitiful.
For the avoidance of doubt, the pope said ” blessing people who are in same sex relationships is approved because there is no prerequisite of piousness prior to blessing however, the catholic church would not approve same sex marriagrs stating that marriage is between a man and a woman”. Just like you that just insulted an ordained man of God, the pope, against the teachings of the bible, if you desire to be blessed in church, you would be regardless of your “sin”. The pope went on to proclaim that the church is for everyone not just for you who sins secretly/anonymously.
Yall need to check your hearts and ask if the way you are, the hate ypu spew so easily amplifies the kingdom of God. Selah!

this! 16

this! 6


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