Vegetables That  You Should Eat  Each Week

Vegetables That  You Should Eat  Each Week

By Chinelo Eze

11 December 2022   |  
5:34 pm

It is well known that eating vegetables is healthy. Despite their different vegetable types and nutrients, all variations are healthy. It’s easier to consume the vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants your body needs to thrive when you consume the required five servings of produce each day from a variety of sources. Below is a list…

It is well known that eating vegetables is healthy. Despite their different vegetable types and nutrients, all variations are healthy. It’s easier to consume the vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants your body needs to thrive when you consume the required five servings of produce each day from a variety of sources. Below is a list of vegetables to eat each week to stay healthy.

  1. Carrots

Root vegetables, which also include potatoes, beets and more also have carrots as one of their varieties. This nutrient-dense vegetable is high in potassium, fibre, vitamin C, and beta-carotene.

Additionally, carrots contain elements that, according to certain studies, may lower the chance of developing certain cancers. One study discovered a link between increased self-reported intake of carrots and a lower risk of colorectal cancer, which was published in the journal Nutrients in 2020. Hence, it is worthwhile to regularly include carrots in your diet because they are rich in essential nutrients that promote improved overall health.

Carrots come in a number of hues, such as orange, yellow, and purple. You can mix them into baked cooking, cereal, soups, salads, and sandwiches, or you can eat them as a snack with your preferred veggie serving.

  1. Onions

The allium family of plants, which also includes garlic and leeks, may not be the first to come to mind when considering new veggies to include in your diet, but onions are a powerhouse of vitamins and anti-cancer chemicals.

Naturally low in calories and fat, onions also contain important micronutrients like potassium and vitamin C. Interestingly, onions’ outer layers have been found to contain the largest concentration of antioxidant chemicals; therefore, for the best results, peel your onions as little as possible before using them in cooking.

When cooked, onions have a rich, earthy flavour and provide a source of many essential nutrients.

3.Brussel Sprout

A good source of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals with antioxidant capabilities are cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts. Vitamin K, which is crucial for bone health and blood clotting, is abundant in Brussels sprouts. Additionally, 1 cup of Brussels sprouts has more than 100 per cent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and more than 10 per cent of the recommended daily intake of fibre.

Glucosinolates are found in brussels sprouts as well as other cruciferous vegetables like kale, cabbage, and broccoli. These plant-based chemicals have been linked to decreased inflammation, which may have positive effects on health.

  1. Green Peas

Peas are a type of vegetable known as a legume, along with lentils and beans.

One of the vegetables with the highest levels of protein and fibre is green peas. 8 grams of plant-based protein and more than 25 per cent of the daily recommended fibre intake are both found in one cup. Additionally, one cup has near to 100 per cent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and around 10 per cent of the recommended daily intake of iron, vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium. Peas are not only very nutrient-dense but also reasonably priced. To help extend their shelf life, choose frozen or canned options; just be mindful of sodium and flavourings that have been added.

  1. Potatoes

Although potatoes frequently have a negative image, these nutrient-rich veggies are a great source of important elements including potassium, fibre, and vitamin C.

Potatoes are a rich source of potassium, which may assist in naturally lowering blood pressure by fending against the negative effects of a diet high in salt.

They are a preferred food for athletes and individuals who are active because they are high in carbs. According to one study, eating potatoes while engaging in endurance activity is just as beneficial to performance as consuming carbohydrate gels. Because of this, potatoes may appeal more to athletes searching for whole-food sources of carbohydrates while exercising.

Select potato preparation techniques that reduce the amount of sodium and additional saturated fat from components like oil, butter, and salt. According to certain studies, regularly consuming fried potatoes may raise the risk of mortality.

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